The cloud solution the property tax industry deserves

Property Data Cloud is an automated Real Estate Valuation software designed specifically for Property Tax Consultants working in the Residential, Commercial and Business Personal Property markets. By streamlining and automating the business processes of property tax consultation, we take the bite out of your workload!


Property Data Cloud automatically fetches property data from a wide array of sources.

Appraisal Districts & Tax Authorities

Geographic Information Systems (GIS)

Third Party
Real Estate Data


Property Data Cloud delivers a complete Consultant hearing package with comps, maps, and all the relevant data.

Benefits of Property Data Cloud

Managing data from multiple sources and compiling it for hearings and appeals can be expensive, time-consuming, and labor-intensive. Every moment spent gathering and compiling data is less time spent effectively analyzing and strategizing on your assessments.

$mart $uite from Property Data Cloud does the tedious work – the stuff the bots do way better anyway – gathering up effective data, applying mathematical adjustments, and freeing you from mind-numbing, error-prone data entry. $mart $uite manages client accounts beginning at contract creation and culminating with arbitrations, hearings, and victory.

Our solution takes the extra off your plate and onto your bottom line!


Who's using Property Data Cloud?

Technology Eliminates Dinosaurs

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